jueves, 15 de febrero de 2007

Anonymous Access and Forms Authentication in WSS v3

Well, finally I am working with it, and I have been told to configure a MOSS instalation with 2 zones: An internet portal and an Intranet portal.

The intranet should have Integrated Windows Authentication, and the Internet Portal should have Forms authentication.

WSS v3 and MOSS 2007 allow to use different membershi providers, and thus enable a really incredible flexibility.

However, configuring it right is a little nightmare. And once you have configured it, you have to add users (the only place I've seen so far to perform this task is Web Site Administration Tool. And in order to make it work, you have to install Visual Studio and create a Virtual Directory inside the MOSS Web Application).

All things considered, it ended well, but that kind of configuration needs improvements.

I wouldn't have been able to achieve it without http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=229709

jueves, 1 de febrero de 2007

AJAX Control Toolkit experiences

In the project I'm currently in, we are using ASP.NET AJAX Extensions. We use certain controls, like a Calendar, Tabs... So we tried Ajax Control Toolkit. At first sight, it looks really nice. It has an awesome calendar. However, when we (Pedroafa and me) tried to use it, we found a curious bug.

When you insert the calendar (we found the same behaviour with the Tabs) in an empty page, it works, it's nice. However, when you insert it into a FormView (say, in the EditItem template), it loses all the style. Hmmmmm. After searching the internet for someone with a problem like that one, we found it here. Or something like it, anyway.

It looks like the CalendarExtender loads its CSS when you receive a page that contains one directly from the server, but not when it's created in an AJAXlike way.

They say a workaround is to have another TextBox outside the Formview and another CalendarExtender bound to it, and make them invisible. They're invisible, but they load the CSS, so when you create the one in the FormView, it's correctly formatted.

After seeing that kind of bug, we decided we were not using the Control Toolkit until it was more stable.

However it was about time they created a Tab control. Hope we can use it soon.

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